Raphael S.Carvalho's Programming Blog


"A programmer that cannot debug effectively is blind."

Monday, October 21, 2013

Booting and File systems

Arch: x86
Firmware: BIOS
Partitioning scheme: MBR-based
Platform: Linux
Bootloader: Syslinux-based

BIOS comes to live when the computer is switched on.
BIOS seeks a bootsector living in the first sector of the respective disk.
The last two bytes of the first sector must match the boot signature.
If found, BIOS loads the first sector of the disk into the main memory and starts executing it.

The first sector will go through each entry in the partition table, then attempt to find the bootable partition.
If found, then it will load the first sector of the partition given the CHS address in the respective entry.

This first sector is the bootloader. It's usually hardcoded so that it knows the location of the second stage.
The second stage has file system drivers, modules, etc.
The second stage will determine which file system driver should be used to this partition based on the magic number in the superblock.
Each file system driver has such a discovery function.
When a driver is found, then its file system operations structure is hooked to the mount point (partition).

Bootloaders usually have implicit absolute paths for configuration files, e.g. /boot/config.
Such files inform the location of the kernel image and initramfs.

Kernel has its own file system drivers embedded in its image.
When mounting devices, it will go through the list of available drivers and perform the following with each entry:
- Check if the driver supports the file system installed in the device.
- If so, hook this driver to the device.
- If not, go to the next entry.

After that, all operations on such device (mount point) will use the operations provided by the driver (previously hooked at the mount time).